People might not have known what their favorite social media sites were twenty years ago. In comparison to the billions of people who use social media today, the number of users of the first social media sites is negligible. 

Platforms for social media have changed significantly since the 1990s. In contrast to the days when they were mainly used for personal updates, today’s most popular ones have massive user bases and are venues for business and career development. Developers are working on new apps to change social media in addition to Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and all the other popular social media sites. We’ll talk about a few of the more recent ones in this article that you might not be familiar with. 

BeReal produces moments of honesty every day 

“The straightforward app Be Real, which has gained popularity recently, reminds everyone to take a photo every day in 2 minutes. BeReal was created by French programmers Alexis Barreyat and Kevin Perreau and released in 2020. A daily notice invites users to post a random two-minute image of themselves each day for a randomly selected two minutes. With its unique experience, the app has now gained some attention, especially when compared to other social media platforms. The popularity of BeReal was discussed in the email Platformer by journalist Casey Newton, who argued that it “…combines nostalgia for social applications from the past with concerns about their reality.” With the notification “Time to Be Real,” it has even come to have a life of its own. 

Businesses haven’t found many uses for BeReal since it emphasizes unfiltered and unplanned sharing, but that isn’t stopping brands. You might engage your audience in genuine communication by using this intriguing, novel technique.  

LinkedIn’s younger sister, Poly work 

Users can collaborate on projects via Polywork and share their professional and personal activities via the platform, according to its developers. In contrast to LinkedIn, the platform focuses on the whole person (and the work that they have done). With poly work, multihyphenates can showcase all the projects they’re working on. 

Additionally, it can help you find customers for your products, test your products, and learn more about the tasks that you enjoy doing on a daily basis. The twelve invites I’ve been granted will get you started with poly work. Creating your own account will not allow you to receive unlimited invites. 

Users can share their daily pleasures using applaudable 

As soon as Applaudable launches in 2022, users will be able to ‘Applaud’ others for their everyday accomplishments, such as reading a book or trying a recipe. ” The objective of the applaudable platform is to enhance the quality of life of users by featuring specific, authentic experiences that people love or value, and making them available on the applaudable platform so that others can replicate these experiences too. 

With the app’s built-in commercial component, businesses will be able to order goods and reserve services they are interested in. Tens of thousands of registrations have been reported despite being in early access.  

Using social media ethically is what Supernova does 

In order to distinguish Supernova from Instagram and Facebook, most of its ad revenues are allocated to nonprofit organizations. Initially, Supernova will only use human moderators to address hate speech, according to its Charter for users.  

According to TechCrunch, Dominic O’Meara of the brand reportedly told the publication that advertisers and charities have chosen to collaborate with the brand because it provides “social networks with user safety at their core.” 

According to Supernova’s website, users can select the charity they would like to receive funding from Supernova’s ad partners. The “Supernova Action Fund” will give a larger gift when a post is liked. The “Supernova Action Fund” will give a larger gift when a post is liked. MQ Mental Health is the first charity to receive funding, with other options likely to be considered. 

The Supernova platform is an excellent tool for businesses that are looking for ways to expand their inclusiveness and give back to their communities. 

It’s the creator who stands out in Sunroom 

Unlike many other applications on this list, Sunroom caters specifically to creators and is a recent addition to the social media scene. Designed by Lucy Mort and Michelle Battersby, the app helps female and non-binary producers succeed financially. Using the same revenue strategy as Patreon or OnlyFans, Sunroom combines a social network with a revenue model similar to Patreon. In an article published by TechCrunch, one of the founders claims that those are the only similarities between the two.   

As a replacement for conventional social networking apps, Sunroom aims to empower users who do not want their information discounted and controlled by third parties. Content creators looking for non-traditional ways to monetize their work can take advantage of Sunroom, although there is no information about the brand experience on the app. A Sunroom gives producers a safe space to interact with their audience through the use of their anti-screenshot technology, dubbed SunBlock, and three payment possibilities. 

Pearpop links brands and artists 

A social media platform called Pearpop connects creators with brands interested in collaborating. In 2020, Guy Oseary will launch Pearpop, which gives marketers access to creatives quickly and directly. TikTok celebrities can charge for their screen time through PearPop’s platform, according to TechCrunch. By accepting offers and previewing content, they can make sure it fits their persona. Once paid, the famous person uploads the split-screen video.  

Advertisers can activate initiatives through “challenges”, a platform feature. Brands can take part and get paid according to how much they are involved. A celebrity’s participation in a TikTok challenge could have been inspired by Pearpop, therefore. 

You can establish ties with smaller businesses and creators using Pearpop in order to narrow down the big pool of potential collaborators. Producers might be able to choose brand alliances more easily using the software.  

You can share photos with your friends using Locket 

Users can add live photos from friends to their home screens using Locket, an apple widget system that serves as a social media networking site. Once Locket is downloaded and members join the network, Locket’s widgets are added to home screens. Users can then upload photos, and Locket will automatically update the widget throughout the day.    

In the Apple store, the app has a 4.6 rating, which prompted one customer to download the app to use with their family.   

People claim that they downloaded the app after reading a post about it on TikTok, indicating that the social media material associated with the app is popular. Over 70,000 followers are claiming to have downloaded it after reading a post about it on TikTok. 

You may make money with Super local by sharing your location 

In response to Web3’s surge in interest, Super local ventured into more experimental territory. Using social network software, you can accumulate cryptocurrency and NFTs by visiting different venues. Besides checking in and posting, you can earn prizes through the site. 

A whitepaper by the developers of Super local claims that the software is aimed at making everyday life more fun. It fosters a sense of neighborhood and local identity rather than providing global content. As a result of the checking-in method and the fact that most people spend most of their time near where they live, user fees are automatically localized.  

Poparazzi is the opposite of Instagram 

Poparazzi is a photo-sharing app launched in May 2021 that prohibits selfies since it only allows users to share images of other people. Since it connects with Gen Z, it’s sometimes referred to as the “anti-Instagram,” and it has been downloaded over 5 million times in a year since its release. 

In the program, friend tagging takes on a whole new meaning since users are unable to create profiles until another user uploads a photo. A user’s Poparazzi profile separates the images they take of their friends from the images they take of themselves. Additionally, the profile shows which people captured them on video the most successfully. 


The current state of social media is fascinating, with both calls for improved consumer data handling and complaints over modifications made to big tech apps. It will be interesting to watch how or if the many apps that are being released can change how social media now operates in order to address various challenges.