Is PPC better than SEO? What should be your primary focus? This article compares SEO and PPC to help you decide which is right for you. 

There is a difference between SEO and PPC in terms of the kind of visitors they bring to your website and the speed at which they work as search engine marketing (SEM).  

Unpaid, organic traffic makes up the majority of traffic to your site, and SEO plays a substantial role in generating this traffic. Search engine results take time to appear on the first page. The competition for top rankings is particularly fierce for keywords with high search volumes. Due to the time, it takes for a website to rank organically in SERPs. PPC (pay-per-click) advertisements are frequently used by organizations to boost traffic. 

Among other things, we’ll examine the important differences between SEO and PPC, as well as consider ways to combine them. 

SEO – What is it? 

On-page and off-page ranking variables such as keywords, search intent, and other factors contribute to SEO (search engine optimization). 

In order to be successful, you need a strong presence on Google. With SEO, you can create content that appeals to your target demographic and increase traffic to your website, which can be converted into actual paying clients by using other marketing strategies. 

PPC – What is it?  

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising refers to the purchase of SERP real estate. Your payment amount will determine whether this is at the top, bottom, or side of the page.  

The results will either be labeled as advertisements or as PPC results in a Google shopping carousel. Pay-per-click advertising, as its name suggests, involves paying for each click. 

A bid tells google how much you are willing to spend for your ad to appear at the top of the page. Clicks on genuine ads will be charged to you. 

A comparison of SEO and PPC 

How do PPC and SEO differ and parallel each other? SEM strategies will be evaluated in seven different areas. 

1. An estimated cost 

The answer to this should be straightforward, shouldn’t it? There is no charge for SEO! But the procedure is a little trickier than that. An example of PPC advertising is pay-per-click, while an example of SEO is the use of numerous resources.  

When it comes to optimizing your SEO, you must invest. Both external SEO consultants and internal SEO specialists are going to cost you money. 

SEO professionals typically charge $750-$1,500 per month in retainer fees, according to RankPay. The average SEO expert charges between $80-$130 per hour. 

It takes more than just time to optimize a website for search engines. 

A business owner claims that PPC expenses are easier to manage than traditional advertising expenses. PPC can be limited by a daily budget. Google will stop displaying your ads once you reach that limit. This means you will have to spend more on advertising if you have a smaller budget. Moreover, obtaining the data you need to improve your efforts will take longer. 

Costs associated with PPC marketing could vary significantly. Approximately $9,000–$10,000 is spent on PPC ads by small businesses each month, according to a poll.  

2. Keeping control 

Using PPC allows you to control the campaign to a significant extent. You don’t have control over Google, even if you invest your time producing high-quality, in-depth content to increase the effectiveness of your SEO efforts. 

Despite writing SEO titles to inform the search engine about the subject matter of your article and your own meta descriptions, Google may still decide to use its own title and meta description. The design of your advertisement is also up to you.  

It doesn’t mean, however, that you can ignore Google’s language, picture, and formatting requirements. The viewing of your PPC advertisements is, however, within your control.  

3. Effort 

An effort is required for both SEO and PPC. Keyword research, target market identification, writing, locating the right imagery, and tracking results are all part of this process.  It will often take more effort to optimize a website for SEO. You must make a landing page specifically for each ad or optimize one piece of content. 

4. Speed 

It may take months or even years for your SEO efforts to pay off. It is unlikely that you will be able to compete for popular terms even after several months. Increasing traffic is one of the benefits of SEO. Advertising through PPC occurs a lot more frequently. It is, however, much quicker to use PPC. It can be used to increase traffic to your site while you wait for the results of your SEO efforts.  

5. Click-Through Rate – (CTR) 

CTR (click-through rate) is one of SEO’s greatest strengths.  

The clickthrough rate (CTR) for organic SEO results on desktops is approximately 65% (its value for mobile devices is approximately 40%). When it comes to PPC ads, the click-through rate is less than 4% (and just over 3% for mobile devices), it is obvious that SEO rankings are ridiculously valuable. 

6. Trust 

Organic results are trusted more than advertisements that pay to appear in those top positions, which shouldn’t be surprising. 

There is a distinction between organic and paid results, but that is based on the 57% of people familiar with it.  

46% of consumers believe organic results are more reliable, whereas 65% say they’re more likely to click organic results when looking for brands. This makes SEO the better investment if you want to increase consumer trust in your brand. 

7. Analytics 

Analytics are essential to the success of any marketing initiative. 

You can use analytics to not only evaluate how your marketing is working but also make suggestions for improving it.  

Your analytics will provide you with crucial data for SEO, such as: 

  • An estimate of how much traffic organic search generates. 
  • Is there a page on your site that performs best? 
  • What is your keyword position? 

This information can be used to replicate successful initiatives and modify unsuccessful ones. 

Some tools are also available that are useful beyond PPC analytics. 

By using this data, you may be able to build A/B split tests to improve your ads and learn which ads perform best. 

The most recommended analytics program for your website is Google Analytics, which is available for free and commercial use. Both organic and sponsored search efforts can benefit from it, and it’s both strong and free. 

Combining SEO and PPC 

The goal of SEO and PPC is not mutually exclusive, but rather it complements each other to increase traffic, boost revenue, and achieve marketing objectives. 

Although each SEM tactic has its benefits and drawbacks, we have also shown that each has some limitations. By combining them, you can achieve the greatest marketing results. 

As you read through this section, you will learn about six possible business objectives and how SEO or PPC could help you accomplish them.  

1. Increasing brand awareness 

In order to increase brand recognition quickly, PPC is the best option. 

When you continue to display your PPC advertisements to searchers, even if you’re only able to attract traffic through PPC, you will gain the true benefit.  

Your content and brand will be displayed at the top of the SERPs through paid search. The improved brand recall will help consumers identify your brand, even if they cannot recall how they first heard about you. When users remember your organic results, they will eventually click on them. 

2. Leads generated locally 

If your brick-and-mortar company-or even your internet company-wants sells in a certain area, local leads are essential. 

When users conduct “near me” searches for local businesses, PPC advertisements appear first and Google My Business listings appear second. You may appear twice in the first few results if you use local PPC advertisements alongside an optimized Google My Business page. 

3. Target audience 

With PPC, you can target your market more precisely than with SEO. PPC ads can target searchers based on their age, interests, location, and other characteristics, so that it shows up for specific keywords but not for others. 

4. Brand visibility  

Both of these factors contribute to brand recognition. Increasing your company’s visibility in search results increases its chances of being clicked. 

Combining PPC and SEO gives you several options for getting your content and brand noticed. 

5. Image of the brand 

In the minds of your consumers, how do you perceive your brand? Collaboration between PR and marketing is essential for raising awareness of your business. 

By combining SEO and PPC, you can control the narrative of your brand more effectively. 

6. Testing  

Your target market’s preferences can be discovered through testing. 

The importance of testing your SEO and PPC campaigns cannot be overstated. Testing refers to the process of examining the results of various elements of your SEO and PPC campaigns through experiments. 

Is your experiment performing better than the control? Excellent! Your brand just got a new perspective on how your target market interacts with it. The content elements you use for SEO and PPC can be tested, including headlines, photos, colors, and copy. 

Ways to combine SEO and PPC 

It’s undoubtedly become evident from this article’s content that we firmly believe in utilizing both SEO and PPC. But how you combine these SEM strategies will have a significant impact on the outcomes. 

When attempting to develop a marketing strategy that incorporates both SEO and PPC, there are three factors to take into account. 

1. The budgeting process 

There is no doubt that PPC is an investment you should make, regardless of your budget. Nevertheless, it is crucial to realize that you must invest enough funds in PPC to see results. Otherwise, you’d be wasting your money. 

Beginning with your lowest budget and gradually increasing it until you start seeing results, you must go through an adjustment period. The more you spend on SEO and organic search, the better off you will be if your marketing efforts are long-term. 

2. Planning 

When combined with PPC, how will you achieve the best results? Your business’s longevity matters. There is often some benefit to brand familiarity for long-standing brands. It is therefore recommended that you focus your SEO efforts on developing a long-term strategy. 

3. Optimizing 

Keywords are crucial to SEM as well as PPC, so optimizing is crucial. Optimizing your content and advertisements for keywords involves analyzing your analytics data in order to determine what is working and what isn’t. 


Search engine optimization and pay-per-click advertising are effective SEM strategies for increasing traffic and revenue. Because each strategy has advantages and disadvantages that can impact your marketing efforts, you must prepare and analyze these strategies carefully to maximize their potential.  

In spite of the fact that PPC can quickly reach a very specific demographic. SEO will ultimately result in more traffic and a higher return on investment.  

For the best results from SEO and PPC, contact a digital marketing agency. Increasing traffic and conversions is our goal with SEO and PPC services.